Wednesday, February 28, 2007


HIV/AIDS and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Preliminary Outline

I. Introduction

A. History HIV/AIDS in Africa

B. Agricultural dependence

C. Nutrition

D. Overview of agricultural problems due to AIDS

II. General Issues

A. Loss of agricultural knowledge

1. Less skilled labor force

2. Shift towards monocultures

a. less nutritious crops

b. soil degradation

B. Female-headed households

1. Economic burdens

2. Social restrictions

C. AIDS orphans

1. Sacrificed education

2. Shift towards less labor-intensive crops

a. monocultures

b. poor nutrition

D. Nutrition

1. Increased susceptibility when malnourished

2. Least labor-intensive crops are least nutritious

3. Increased food necessity when infected with HIV

III. Problems in Specific Countries

A. Uganda

1. Switch from nutritious cash crops to non-valuable root crops

2. Cultural restrictions for widows

3. Moving to cities

B. Namibia

1. Property rights for women after death of spouse

2. Increased female and youth headed households

C. Rwanda

1. Loss of productive labor group

2. Decreased control over farming systems

3. Study of farming systems

IV. Zambia

A. IP case study

1. Highest rate of HIV infection among young adults

2. Uneven distribution of wealth between male and female headed households with AIDS orphans

3. Feminization of poverty

4. Programs addressing HIV/AIDS

B. FASAZ case study

1. Household structures, asset ownership, and gender roles

2. Labor availability

C. FAO case study

1. Inequalities in rural households

2. Distribution of wealth

3. Design of agricultural policies and programs

V. Policy Effectiveness

A. Plan for the Modernization of Agriculture

B. Poverty Eradication Action Plan

C. Agriculture Commercialization Programme

D. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

E. United Nations Development Programme

VI. Conclusion

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